About Us

Our Mission

Bard Rock Cafe seeks to use our existing platform to raise the voices of rising creators- especially those from marginalized groups. The Tabletop Roleplaying Game (TTRPG) content market is heavily saturated, and we are here to help our network members succeed. We seek to help creators in our network grow and develop while providing guidance, support and infrastructure.



KennyKenny Myers is the current Dungeon Master and Chief Executive Officer for Bard Rock Café, meaning he plays the entire supporting cast. Once, in college, he and two other students overdosed three rats on cocaine. Following this devastating event, he spiraled into collaboratively writing with like-minded individuals over the internet. It was in this time of his life that he met his future wife, Leera, and then almost died of blood loss and dehydration in the hospital during finals week. He was still required to attend his history final against doctor’s recommendation. Kenny has since gotten his life together, and works at the psychiatric hospital as a counselor. He is currently going for his PhD, at which point he will attain his lifelong goal of keeping student loans in deferment for as long as possible while running out the clock on loan repayment programs. The intermittent reinforcement of dice-based collaborative storytelling keeps him out of the casinos. He is a loving father, husband, dog dad, and unhinged lunatic masquerading as a normal man.


PaulPaul’s day job is an accountant, which is probably why he’s the network’s Chief Financial Officer. He enjoys playing Magic: The Gathering and video games, while being obsessed with too many nerdy fandoms to count. He also takes on far too many side projects for a rational person, co-managing the network’s Twitter/X and Bluesky Social Accounts, assisting with casting calls and talent management, running multiple shows and being a player in several more.


KhadejaKhadeja Ali is a chiller member of the Bard Rock cafe crew from Massachusetts who works on art and writes poetry in her spare time. You can find some of her poems here. She uses her art to explore themes of the heart and the mind. There’s always some passion project when it comes to Khadeja, and you can always count on her participation in NaNoWriMo! However–she’s still a gosh-darned nerd, especially when it comes to video games and music. There’s some things you just can’t help. You can find her on twitter as @khadejalidraw, although she’s currently looking for other social media avenues to share her art and thoughts!


TenseiTensei the Chief Technical Officer of the Bard Rock Cafe’s myriad streams, as well as a production and technical consultant for the various streaming and podcasting projects on the network. They also do the majority of casing calls and help vet applicants. With a decade of production experience across a wide variety of podcasts, let’s plays, and actual plays, they work to make sure every project they touch is the best it can be. When they aren’t working on their own projects, he is the biggest fan of yours.


StephStephanie Myers is a member of the Bard Rock Cafe crew and podcast network. Steph is nonbinary and uses she/they pronouns. They currently live in Texas, where they work as a marketing creative and videographer during the week. On the weekends, she plays as the tiefling character Epi in the Bard Rock Cafe podcast, who’s name was definitely not taken from their cat’s. Steph occasionally contributes character art and logos to the cast, but mostly contributes a few laughs and a whole lot of “yes, and-“s to the team.


TylerTyler Lozzi is an engineer by day, but don’t let his master’s degree fool you- he is more than capable of playing lovable himbo characters like Roland Armbar on Bard Rock Cafe. He was even an extra in a beach episode of the Marvelous Mrs. Maizel! When he isn’t working or podcasting, Tyler also enjoys playing Magic: The Gathering and his Nintendo Switch.